I was born on a U.S. territory in the middle of the Pacific Ocean that no one knows about and looks nothing like anyone's image of the United States. Moving to the SF Bay Area as a middle schooler, produced a culture shock of my own culture that was the perfect recipe for pushing me to become a visual artist.
I followed my older brother's footsteps into the video game industry. He was an engineer and brought me to talk to the artists on his project where I first learned about the up-and-coming term called "concept art".
Upon showing them my work, I had my drawings completely roasted by his colleages. I was shocked but not shaken, and knew I had to keep going.
Thankfully, after many years, it paid off!
I got to work on games, movies, TV series doing early development in pre-production on backgrounds, worlds, and scenes. I designed whole establishing shots, intriguing locations for players, massive pirate ships, scary creatures, to the tiniest props like furniture - you name it.
It's my passion to explore varied art styles from realistic to stylized work, and just anything in-between. I love it all!
I'm proud to say that some of the titles I've been a part of include Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, Shape Island (Apple TV+), Rise of the Tomb Raider, The Sims 4, among many others.
I've spent almost all of the 10 years of my professional life in other countries working in Singapore, Spain, Canada, and Japan running away from America (joking, I miss poptarts and pumpkin pie!).
That said, I enjoy living different countries and challenging myself. I learn the language, breathe in the culture... at the price of sometimes losing my identity, but that just comes with the adventure.
I collect all these life experiences like treasures, and put them back in my designs and ideas, hoping they'll stick to the projects I'm a part of.
This truly is my やり甲斐 (yarigai) which is a short word in Japanese that needs at least a whole sentence in English meaning "what makes work worth doing"!
I followed my older brother's footsteps into the video game industry. He was an engineer and brought me to talk to the artists on his project where I first learned about the up-and-coming term called "concept art".
Upon showing them my work, I had my drawings completely roasted by his colleages. I was shocked but not shaken, and knew I had to keep going.
Thankfully, after many years, it paid off!
I got to work on games, movies, TV series doing early development in pre-production on backgrounds, worlds, and scenes. I designed whole establishing shots, intriguing locations for players, massive pirate ships, scary creatures, to the tiniest props like furniture - you name it.
It's my passion to explore varied art styles from realistic to stylized work, and just anything in-between. I love it all!
I'm proud to say that some of the titles I've been a part of include Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, Shape Island (Apple TV+), Rise of the Tomb Raider, The Sims 4, among many others.
I've spent almost all of the 10 years of my professional life in other countries working in Singapore, Spain, Canada, and Japan running away from America (joking, I miss poptarts and pumpkin pie!).
That said, I enjoy living different countries and challenging myself. I learn the language, breathe in the culture... at the price of sometimes losing my identity, but that just comes with the adventure.
I collect all these life experiences like treasures, and put them back in my designs and ideas, hoping they'll stick to the projects I'm a part of.
This truly is my やり甲斐 (yarigai) which is a short word in Japanese that needs at least a whole sentence in English meaning "what makes work worth doing"!
Thank you!
Please use this form or send me an e-mail at : natasha@natasha-tan.com
Looking forward to working with you :) Thanks!!